The Soul’s Human Experience: Discovering Who You Are, Why You’re Here, and What Your Purpose Is

A comprehensive manual for learning what lies at the intersection of soul and body while cultivating purposeful empowerment and living with intention. $0.99 on Kindle ... [Read More...]

Woman Unleashed: Release Your Story, Revive Your Hormones & Reclaim Your Freedom

Dr. Sonya Jensen has been working with women for over a decade, inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves and helping them gain freedom from the chains of society, their hormones, and the mantra that continuously plays in so many of their minds, “I’m not enough.” Dr. Jensen has made it clear that healing hormones isn’t just a job for the physical body but the heart, mind, and even the soul. The experiences a woman has from the womb onward, dictate her thoughts and bel... [Read More...]

Free: The Somatic Therapy Book: Healing After The Loss Of A Spouse

Have you recently experienced the loss of your spouse, and that has left you shattered and chaotic? Losing someone and the grief that follows can be physically and emotionally painful. Every feeling you have while grieving is as unique as a fingerprint and it is valid. Join others who have embraced this journey and developed coping mechanisms. Dear reader, you are not alone! ... [Read More...]

The Journey of Discovering Inner Peace

This book can help you become the author of your life by understanding and rewriting your story and healing your emotional pain. This book also assists you in getting a better understanding of why you are in pain and some suggestions on how to transcend your suffering and find inner peace by changing conscious thinking, understanding and changing subconscious beliefs, clearing trauma that is stored within the body and energetically detaching from subconscious programs that are preventing self-a... [Read More...]

Calm Amid The Chaos

Do you want to know the proven sequence of steps that you can take right now to ease your anxieties and stress in your life? Calm Amid The Chaos is your guide to a positive state of mind as we will show you how to shift your perspective and immediately improve your life with practical guides and steps. These proven steps will empower you to relieve stress, manage stress and more importantly, never feel overwhelmed by stress again. The book will serve as a guide that you can comfortably follow a... [Read More...]

Counting the Days

Make Your LDR a Success! Well-meaning people will tell you that an LDR is a fool’s errand but Counting the Days will convince you otherwise. Many people who are currently in a long-distance relationship say they feel closer to their partner than they did before the distance separated them. They know the secrets you’re about to unveil here. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

How to Talk to Anyone About Any Topic: Master Small Talk, Make Real Friends, Understand Self Confidence and Develop Deep Relationships

The ability to talk to anyone about anything is an extraordinary skill to possess. Did you know that mastering or improving upon this skill can tremendously help you open more opportunities in all areas of your life? It can help widen your social circle, lead to the discovery of finding an intimate partner and can even help you open the door to more business opportunities or to help you start a new career. How to Talk to Anyone About Anything: Master Small Talk, Make Real Friends, Understand Se... [Read More...]

Assertive Communication: The Effective Guide to Communicate, Develop Deeper Relationships, Understand Self Confidence and Learn How to Improve Your Social Intelligence

Assertive Communication is a compelling read that teaches you everything you need to know about communicating, developing deeper relationships, understanding self-confidence and learning how to improve your social intelligence so you can relate better and build authentic relationships in all facets of your life. Have you ever wondered why no one wants to listen to you? Do you envy a friend that everyone enjoys listening to and paying absolute attention to? It’s no rocket science. They kn... [Read More...]

263 Ways To Start A Conversation: Powerful Topic Starters to Talk to Anyone, Make Real Friends, and Establish Stronger Connections

Do you find it hard or difficult to start a conversation? Do you often find yourself in awkward social situations that you don’t know how to get out off? Can it be a struggle to keep a conversation flowing? It’s normal. Most people struggle with social interaction! That’s why I wrote this book. 263 Ways to Start a Conversation is a powerful book filled with unique and unordinary conversation starters and incredible techniques to keep a conversation flowing. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]