Free Self-Help Books on Kindle

If there’s an area of your life that you want to improve, you don’t necessarily have to pay to get good advice. Amazon has thousands of free books that you can download directly from the Kindle store to your phone, tablet, or laptop. Read on to learn how to browse the free self-help books on Kindle.

Self-help book categories

If you visit the library or a local bookstore, the self-help section can cover dozens of topics. There are usually several shelves full of books about anger management, grief, weight loss and everything in between. However, Amazon’s virtual self-help section is a bit lacking.

The Kindle store only has 12 categories for self-help books. A few of these categories seem out of place, like the 2 separate categories for journaling, and there aren’t any specific sections for parenting, relationships, or regulating emotions. Despite the shortcomings in its taxonomy, there’s plenty of great free self-help content on Kindle; you may just have to dig a little to find it.

Free self-help books on Kindle

To find free self-help books from the Kindle store, you can click this link to browse the entire collection, or you can jump to a specific subcategory using the links below:

As you browse through the free books, you might notice that some titles are only free with a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. Although most of the titles listed are truly free (meaning you don’t have to be a paid Kindle Unlimited subscriber), Amazon plants a few of these Kindle Unlimited books within the “free books” results to encourage you to subscribe.

Make sure that book is actually free on Kindle

To make sure you don’t accidentally purchase a book that isn’t truly free, make sure to double-check that the Kindle price is listed as $0.00.

Buy box on free Kindle books
The buy box on free Kindle books looks like this. Note: the “Kindle Price” is $0.00.

Buy box on free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers
The buy box on books that are only free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription looks like this.  Note: the “Kindle Price” is not free.

If you accidentally download a book that isn’t free, you can request a refund following these steps.